Workshop On Calligraphy

Essence holds its dream entire,

Strengthens hope true into the fire

To fit in it to be higher

To the most breezed to aspire.

With an objective to develop fine motor skills, El Maestro Teaching Solutions organized a free workshop for children from age 7 years to 13 years on Saturday 11 December 2021 at 12:30 pm. The workshop aimed to produce an ‘art‘ reaction, in which a deeper meaning is communicated from artist to viewer, and the viewer feels invited to think a new thought in response. 

The Resource Person Ms Neha Chopra, a certified handwriting improvement training explained the importance of beautiful handwriting and shared various innovative techniques of different calligraphy styles. She also explained the importance of beautiful handwriting. The workshop was enthusiastically attended by enthusiastic and aspiring learners across the country who were excited to learn to write creatively. 

Overall, the workshop was a huge success with most of the participants requesting more such sessions for children in days to come. 

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